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  • Avoid that Burnout Feeling 😥

Avoid that Burnout Feeling 😥

It’s been said that the devil hates moderation.

And why is that? Because, if we tend to have an “all out” mentality, we tend to fail. To burnout. To give up. To throw in the towel. To stop writing.

With that wisdom and the school year approaching, Mrs6am will transition to a once-a-week newsletter, for now. We’re thinking of keep the Wednesday edition. 📅Thanks for your understanding! As always, we’ll keep filling your inbox with the only the good stuff and leave the rest out.

In the meantime:

  • MUSIC: If music be food of love, read on.

  • SELF-CARE: Self-care is self knowledge— ideas to get you there

  • BOOK: Need a summer read? We got you.

  • HEALTH: Don’t pour some sugar on me and other health news.

MUSIC: Move over, Baby Shark. 🦈 We all know classical music is great for brain health. But did you know it also deters crime? Whether you’re homeschooling, need a little culture, or are desperate for peace in your home, we’ve got a list for you. Try out the haunting yet exciting Dvorak Symphony No. 9 “The New World”, or the beautiful Beethoven No. 6 “The Pastoral.” Brahms isn’t just for lullabies, and Tchaikovsky isn’t just for Christmas. We’re saving No. 1 for last: Mahler’s “The Titan.” 

To the untrained ear, classical music can all sound the same. 🙋🏼‍♀ But, if you take just one piece and listen to it on repeat, from different symphonies, with video and without, you’re sure to know it by heart.

I’m as much of a classical music newbie as anyone, so that’s why this list was brought to you by my dear friend Karissa, a cellist for the Pittsburgh Symphony (read her interview here). Thanks, Karissa! [Checking off “composer study” for our homeschool year.]

SELF-CARE: Cue the eye roll. 🙄 The term “self-care” is everywhere (maybe overused?). And it can feel like a slippery slope to self-indulgence … but one wise mother — Kimberly Hahn — argues (from a biblical standpoint) that a well-ordered life follows this pattern: Prayer, Person, Partner, Parent, Provider, Periphery. Yes, I said that right. Kimberly Hahn says to prioritize “Person” (i.e. “who you are”) over your husband … and children! She claims that “self care is not self-ish,” it’s actually the “antidote to selfishness.”

Here’s a list of self-care ideas to get you started:

  • Prayer and morning Mass.

  • An early solo hike with new boots (which I have and love).

  • Coffee and a walk with girlfriends.

  • Quick SOLO trip to the art museum or library.

  • A cat nap with this eye mask.

  • Cook or order your favorite takeout.

  • A holy hour of prayer with a new journal.

  • A little spa day in your own bathroom: Pamper your hair and put on your favorite robe. Exfoliate your whole body then moisturize. And finish with a self tan. This is a favorite and comes in multiple shades.

Remember, a restored and refreshed woman makes an amazing wife and mother.

PEOPLE: Still need a summer read? Check out Belles on their Toes, the sequel to Cheaper by the Dozen. The heroine of the book is recent widow and mother of many, Lillian Gilbreth. Her children’s antics are laugh-out-loud hilarious. But, the heart of the book is Lillian, and she is inspirational. Psychologist, engineer, public speaker, time-and-motion-study expert, and mother of 12?! Lilly, forever. 💞

HEALTH: 🥄 A spoonful of vinegar can help the sugar go down … blood sugar, that is. It turns out insulin resistance is up in women since the pandemic (partially caused by COVID-19). Plus, our modern diets cause massive spikes and low valleys — and the result can be acne, bad sleep, and fat gain. Even worse, insulin resistance doubles the risk of a major depressive episode and diabetes. Yikes. But, there are practical actions you can take to lower your risk and steady the glucose intake. Things like: “clothing your carbs,” (which means adding fats, protein, or fiber to carbs to slow glucose absorption). Also sleep, movement, and a little dose of apple cider vinegar before meals. Here’s a MUST LISTEN with practical tips for every woman — no matter your age.

“If your diet, work, and thoughts flow from what everybody else eats, does and thinks or what modern society advocates for you, you’ll end up nutritionally, financially, and morally bankrupt.” - Mr6am

Signing off, beautiful friends, see you Wednesday, 💗