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  • A Good Man&Wife are Hard to Find

A Good Man&Wife are Hard to Find

Plus: Drill Seargant Mrs6am, Unift Kitchens, & BFFS

One thing AI can never replace — friends.

After our first-ever dinner guests left our tiny, newlywed apartment, my husband and I looked at each other and asked, “Do you think they like us?!” It felt like we were dating all over again — but, this time with friends couples. It’s a difficult thing, finding adult friends. It takes hospitality, vulnerability, and generosity of time and attention, among other things. One piece of advice — give all potential friends a second chance (especially if you don’t click the first meeting).

And turns out — they did like us.

  • Summer Sandals: That were made for walkin’.

  • Exercise Wisdom: Hate me now; love me later.

  • Art: One rule to hang them all.

  • Ticks: Yep, ticks.

  • Couples Therapy: In a way.

FOOTWEAR: Let’s not tip-toe around it: your 2022 sandals are a flop.🩴Invest in your tootsies with some sandals that are built for walking, hiking, and frolicking. What’s our criteria? Something skin-toned to elongate the leg, uncomplicated to slide into, stylish to dress up, and supportive for a hike. Our fav choice, these will last a lifetime with beautiful color options. Don’t be fooled, these chunky straps aren’t just easy on the eyes — they also come with high tech soles for comfort. Here’s a budget option the doctor ordered for shore wear. And if you need the orthopedic support with a splash of funk, these are for you. 😘

EXERCISE: We know the drill: You’re a mama of littles or you just don’t have the time. Really — you can’t find the time to pee, let alone exercise. But you’re motivated to start. How do you get over the hump and find your exercising groove?

First, don’t exercise until you’ve set aside time for daily prayer. Yep, you heard me. Carve out at least 5-10 minutes of silence or scripture. Dump the phone or set an alarm. Ten minutes less of sleep won’t kill you. But it will breathe life into your soul.

Second, talk to your man. He wants your happiness and health, and he knows you best. Whether he gets up early with you, agrees to take the kids to another floor, or cheers you on, he will be of immense help. Get his take on your schedule. Don’t shoot down his suggestions.

Third, start early. Inevitably, you will be exhausted by the kids’ bedtime. You’ll want to curl up next your handsome hubby. You’ll want to scroll and sip.🍹So, get it done in the morning. Here’s an unpopular truth: naptime falls through. It’s dust. Exercise early.

Fourth, redefine “exercise.” Stop comparing yourself to the postpartum body/energy/routine that you had after your first baby (or second or third, etc.). Even comparing yourself to yourself can rob your joy! Start with three times a week for 10-20 minutes, whether it’s a stroller walk, light weights in your living room, a quick YouTube video. Don’t increase your time or frequency for a good three weeks — get into a habit first.

It doesn’t have to be fancy or sweaty to be legit. 🪖But, if you can, make it pretty.

WALL DECOR: You’ve just thrifted the antique piece of your dreams. You’ve framed your family portraits, but they’re leaning against the wall. You’ve picked up the modern print from the UPS store, but the wall is still blank. Now what? 🤔

This one rule is all you need to make your prints and family heirlooms take center stage.

And don’t forget: if you refer just three friends to Mrs6am with your link below, you’ll get our free printable collection in your inbox. Here’s a sneak peek:

FRIENDS: Get this. Couples who discuss personal things with other couples (your prayer life, your children’s personalities, your hopes and dreams), actually made their own relationship better. Bascially, skip the small talk with your couple friends, and you’ll increase the passion in your own relationship. The right couple friends can actually make your marriage better. 

But also:

“In friendship we think we have chosen our peers. In reality a few years’ difference in the dates of our births, a few more miles between certain house, the choice of one university instead of another…the accident of a topic being raised or not raised at a first meeting–any of these chances might have kept us apart. But, for a Christian, there are no chances. A secret master of ceremonies has been at work. Christ, who said to the disciples, ‘You have not chosen me, but I have chosen you,’ can truly say to every group of Christian friends, ‘You have not chosen one another but I have chosen you for one another.’ The friendship is not a reward for our discriminating and good taste in finding one another out. It is the instrument by which God reveals to each of us the beauties of others.”

-The Four Loves, C.S. Lewis

TICKS: They quite literally suck. 🪲 And spread disease. At this point, everyone knows that they’re EVERYWHERE and lymes is on the rise. Is there anything we can do to protect ourselves? Actually, yes. First thing to try is spraying your yard — this easy spray hooks up to your hose and has 30,000 5-star reviews. Here’s non-toxic version. Next thing is permethrin treated clothing — it’s highly effective. You can buy clothes already treated or buy the spray and coat shoes, boots, socks, and pants. Here’s an essential oil based spray. And, always, check for ticks — here’s how the Army does it.

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  • Skip the personal trainer. Our tech overlord’s got you. 😬

  • Road trippin’ 🚗 Chase American mild temps with this route.

  • Question: What poem do you find yourself returning to again and again? Reply to let us know and we’ll include them in future emails. 💖

Don’t fear the quiet and don’t fear being alone. Making time for quiet solitude is the best time to discern, make decisions, tame your thoughts, control your emotions, and make a life examination. Leverage solitude to your and your family’s benefit. — Mr6am

\/ This lovely reader is FEELIN’ Mrs6am:

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