• Mrs6am
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  • Get your kids in "the zone" 🤜🤛

Get your kids in "the zone" 🤜🤛

Plus: The ultimate suburban Dad flex and paint regrets

🌼 Thank you for all the referrals to your friends — this community is the best!

My hope is that Mrs6am is a breath of fresh air to your inbox, with all the fun/beauty/wisdom/community of your favorite Instagram squares but without the drama/comments/time suck/discontent. In today’s issue:

  • The best gardening hack in the entire universe. Hint - it’s cute work clothes.

  • Your life is about to change - below is our method for a (kind of) clean house.

  • The ultimate suburban Dad flex.

  • Want to actually relax on your family vacation? 

ZONES: We’ve got 6 children — some bigs / some littles. We love them. But, a tidy house is not possible without their help. How do we get them involved? We call it “zones” — our favorite big family hack for keeping things (semi) clean and tidy. 🧽

Here’s how to do it. First, ask yourself: if company was on the way — what are your 15 minute priorities? Kitchen? Entryway? First-floor powder room? These are your zones. Write them down. Next, assign a child to each zone and teach them your expectations for getting it clean. It takes vigilance and time, but one day — we promise— you’ll be able to say “It’s time for zones” like Mary Poppin’s snap. Mr6am was skeptical, but we implemented this system 3 years ago with our 4 bigs and it works! After dinner, the bigs do zones, and Mr6am and I use this time to connect and get our babies in bed. It also helps our babysitters — they’re more likely to come back when they can say “time for zones!” 🙃 Here’s a quick list of age appropriate chores. And don’t forget the tunes! 🎙

STYLING: Need to revamp your wardrobe for spring (or summer, since I guess we’re skipping spring this year 🥴)? No extra moolah 💸? Us, too. Us, too. Here’s some timeless styling advice to be more chic with what you already have. (I’m looking at you, jeans + a tee). It’s all about feminine confidence … plus little tricks up your sleeve cuff and accessories!

FAMILY VACATION: You’ve coordinated schedules. You’ve found the perfect Airbnb with all the bedrooms, a great porch, and a view. You’ve booked it, and everybody’s paid up. Now what? Now the real prep begins — for the best family vacation ever. Here are some quick tips on making your vacation a family retreat. And here are my takes:

  1. Schedule EASY meals ahead of time with a grocery pickup or delivery the day you arrive. (Bonus: Use our grocery list for extra ease. See below.)

  2. Decide screen time rules prior to your trip with your spouse and tell your kids. (Bonus: If you decide on an evening movie night, rent movies prior to going to cut down on arguments.)

  3. Discuss how to make time for your husband to relax and vice versa.

  4. Decide NOW what your priority is for vacation: is it reading that book? Connecting with your spouse? Conversations with each kid? Serving your mama who always serves you? Oftentimes, family vacations aren’t suited for a personal recharge. That’s okay. Put on your big-girl pants and adjust your mindset. (Bonus: schedule a time to relax and regroup when you get back … you’ll need it!)

  5. Remember to be flexible and go with the flow. Kids may get sick, the house could have ants, but, goodness, you will laugh . . . (or cry).

Plus, you can’t go wrong with an indoor pool ;)

GARDENING: We know stylish working out is effective working out. It’s science. 🔬 Well, as long as you actually work out. 💪 Can we apply that to yard work? Yes we can! And we will. What’s better motivation for trimming and pruning than these cute overalls? You can also take these hiking. Tackle weeds with these gloves and a hat. Now to plant your first herb garden. Be stylin’ in all the right places … even with dirt under your fingernails.

“The other day I cranked a rival Dad’s push mower on the first pull right in front of his wife and kids.” The ultimate suburban Dad flex. Just for laughs of course. 😂 (h/t @simoncholland).

🖼 Here’s what no one wants you to know: you can find art print collections online for free. It just takes F.O.R.E.V.E.R. to find what you’re looking for. You could go to Etsy and break the bank, but … you don’t need to! Enter Mrs6am! I’ve curated a bunch of great collections for you. If you are like me, and your laundry room needs a little burst of sunshine, refer a couple girlfriends to Mrs6am and get my free collection of collections of art prints! 🖼

Here’s a sneak peak of them:

There’s something grounding about adding a vintage piece to a more modern-leaning home (or any home, for that matter!) That boy’s room, though! It’s my fav.🐎 Until Saturday,

P.S. Thank you for your kind words, Molly! 👇