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  • Talk Derby to Me 🏇

Talk Derby to Me 🏇

Plus: a revolutionary shaving technique, marriage scripts, and IVF

🏇 Turns out that starting posts #5 and #10 are the luckiest at Churchill Downs — more winners start from those posts than any others. Also, no horses with names beginning Q, X, or Y have ever won the Derby. And, Kentucky was home to the most winning horses. Now place your bets! 😉

  • New Tech: A scary new technology is conceived.

  • Self-Care: We provide a leg-changing shaving technique.

  • Movies: A nostalgiac and helpful movie choice URL.

  • Marriage: Scripts to help you with arguments disagreements in marriage.

SHAVING: Glide into pool season. 🪒 The lifehack you wish your Mom taught you when you were 14 is now here. This technique will cut your shaving time in half and give you 4 extra minutes in the shower to exfoliate with this summery scrub, put on a hair mask, or sing one more refrain of “I Will Always Love You”. Reminder: it’s also time for a new razor. 😚

SCRIPTS: “Frankly, my dear, I don’t give a… line please?” 🎬

Conflicts arise in marriage, and words are powerful things. When in doubt, it’s nice to have some go-to words, or scripts, ready to use. Like these:

  • I before you. Instead of “You are always on your phone” try “I feel overlooked when you’re on your phone instead of asking me how my day was.”

  • Not agreeing with his plan. Instead of “Why in the world would you put Susie in that outfit for church?” try ”I think this outfit would be be better because …” or “Maybe consider this [instead of that] …”

  • Listen before reacting. Instead of “I don’t know why you feel that way” try “Tell me more. How long have you felt that way? Why do you feel that way?”

  • Plan before nagging: Instead of “I’ve asked you five times when we can have the Millers over for dinner” try “Is now a convenient time to talk about our plans this weekend? It will take 6 minutes.”

Share with us: what’s your go-to line?

FERTILITY: Bet you didn’t know your son’s Playstation 5 controller could create life.

IVF is prohibitively expensive ($15k-$30k?!). But now a Spanish startup, Overture Life has a proof of concept automating IVF. In fact, it announced that the first babies had been born by its fertilization robot. Instead of the typical handling of sperm and eggs with a thin, hollow needle under a micrscope, Overture Life implanted a sperm cell into an egg using a robotic arm controlled by a Sony PS5 controller.

These babies should be loved and will bring great joy to their new parents. But, doesn’t this raise serious moral questions? The tech may make IVF cheaper in dollars but does it raise the cost in other ways? How many embryos were discarded? What complications will be borne by these babies down the road? The tech is astounding, but the apparent assembly-line nature of their creation gives us pause. 😕

“Here’s some inspiration that I needed this week: When I get to a low point and think — ‘why do I even bother?’ I need to remind myself ‘this is where most people stop, and if I want to succeed, I have to push on.’”

Want to know the CONSISTENT top three categories requested by Mrs6am subscribers? It’s a tie between marriage and fashion, with a little side of skincare. If that’s you too, vote below. If it’s not, vote below. 🙃 Our posts are inspired by you!

Until Wednesday, Ciao!

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