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That's Just Mean. 😠

Plus: the great outdoors, tomato girls, and how to make decisions

Juicy juicy juicy. A letter written by Mozart may sell for $600k+ this month at auction. The note is spicy — the maestro was shacking up with future wife Constanze Weber. In it, Mozart explains her parents’ threats to have authorities steal back their daughter (and her honor). Cue the dramatic violin intro.

In today’s email:

  • OUTDOORS: The great outdoors with the best gear.

  • BIG DECISIONS: There’s a better way than guessing.

  • FASHION: A trend your Dad can get behind.

  • TOMATO GIRLS: Rustic feminine and saucy style.

OUTDOORS: Imagine it — sleeping outdoors under the stars, crickets chirping, campfire slowly dying down but still crackling a few feet away. 🔥 

Nope - still not doing it for you? You might be like me — a high maintenance camper. So, to get you outdoors for a magical (and comfortable) camping trip, I put together this gear list for all of us who’d rather bein our own beds.

  • The Tent: Try this “treehouse in a bag”. It gets you off the ground, is super-comfy, and the roof is optional so that you and your hubby can sleep under stars away from creepy-crawlies on the ground.

  • The Sleeping Bag: This is the internet’s favorite budget option for all-weather camping. If you are braving the cold, you might need something heftier. But, this will eliminate the need to lug around a ton of blankets.

  • The Pillow: Get inflatable.

  • Cooking: This little set is all you need. And who can cook (even when camping) without wine.

  • For Sitting: A comfy camping chair.

  • For Coffee: And, last but not least, for the morning coffee — so essential. This Stanley Boil and Brew french press that you can put over a fire or a camping stove.

PERSONAL: Have a big decision to make? Probably. We all do. ⚖

A new job, quitting to stay at home with the kids, what school to send the kids to, who to marry, whether to reach out to that distant family member or old friend, date or stay single. Life-changing moments potentially. Try this: discern not decide.

“Decide” is making a best guess. “Discern” is inviting God into the process to discover His will for you — way better than relying on yourself. So, how do you do it? We recommend Ignatian discernment (named after St. Ignatius). It is a beautiful process of seeking deep peace through a prayerful awareness of the attractions of your heart. Done right, you’ll come to a confirmed conclusion about what you should do and you’ll feel deep peace and contentment.

FASHION: Bermuda shorts. You know — shorts, but longer. They’re not just for Midwestern (or southwest Pennsylvanian) dads — they’re now in every stylish girl’s summer rotation. Wait — hear me out. They’re actually quite versatile and they’re trending. And there is a style for everyone. Stylish ripped denim, wide-leg, and dressed up suiting shorts — the outfit combos are endless. Here’s how to wear them.

TRENDS: Tomayto, Tomahto? No matter — we are eating up the Tomato Girl trend this year. If you’re saving for a 2024 Almafi Coast vacay, you can start living your vacation now. Get saucy with romantic evenings and an Old-world, slow-living vibe. Think: rustic yet feminine dresses, produce-inspired clothing, minimal makeup, muted reds and sage greens, Aperol spritzers, heirloom jewelry, tiled working kitchens, Grandma’s recipes, and a straw bag for fresh produce.

What’s most important to a true Tomato Girl? Family and Food. Now, that’s a trend that we can bite into.🍅

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